Effective Time and Organisational Management


This course helps to answer the age old question of “Where does all my time go?” It identifies how precious time is and gives you proven techniques to effectively protect and manage it. This course is valuable for anyone who feels they need to prioritise, respond to changing priorities, and react assertively when others place demands on their time.
Have you ever felt overwhelmed by how much you had to do, or felt you were allocating too much time to tasks that aren’t as important? This course helps learners regain control of their workload by managing both their time and their interactions with others more intelligently. Everyone attending will learn how and when to say no, how to prioritise effectively and most importantly, how to sustain these improvements over time rather than slip back into bad habits.


  • Regard time as a resource to be managed.
  • Identify and focus on your objectives and key areas of responsibilities.
  • Establish and overcome the causes of poor time management.
  • Identify and deal with time stealers.
  • Prioritise your tasks and the unexpected.
  • Increase personal and team productivity to achieve a greater work/life balance.

Course Outline

Defining Time

  • What do we mean by time management?
  • Being able to recognise what good and poor time management is
  • Defining your personal time stealers and how to deal with them
  • Defining what you are expected to achieve in your role

Managing Yourself

  • Linking your objectives to key result areas
  • Identify your responsibilities and priorities
  • Assertive techniques to manage interruptions and handle disruptions
  • Being able to set goals and objectives for yourself

Planning and Prioritising

  • Identifying key tips and techniques on how to prioritise your workload
  • Using modern planning tools to optimum effect to develop proactive planning
  • An understanding of how to delegate to others so you can finish the jobs that really matter
  • Identifying how to balance your focus and energies when managing your time