Gravitas 3 Day
Personal Development Programme


Our personal development course is designed to help you to clarify your thinking relating to certain aspects of your performance, and by helping you to improve your technique. Good employees is what makes organisations successful so continued development is of great importance.
This training is designed to assist you by developing a practical set of skills that will improve your personal effectiveness. You will learn unique methods that will improve your abilities in the following key skill sets in setting goals, building confidence and being assertive, improving your time and organisational management, motivation yourself and Inspiring others.


  • To develop ‘goal focus’
  • To communicate more clearly and confidently
  • To manage your time and work through proper prioritisation, planning and preparation
  • To confidently manage conflict and handle even the most difficult people
  • To self-motivate with a positive mental attitude and to easily handle your stress
  • To inspire others and to create a positive and productive atmosphere around you

Course Outline

Day One

  • Get the best performance from yourself and others.
  • Develop the six key personal development skills
  • Effective time management
  • Work-on your weaknesses and play-to your strengths.
  • Understanding ‘deadline pressure’ and ‘value’
  • Distinguish between being ‘busy’ and being ‘productive’

Day Two

  • Prioritise work according to its value and deadline pressure
  • Communicate with more clarity, accuracy and persuasiveness.
  • How to handle difficult people
  • Set ambitious goals and achieve them in record time.
  • Use good humour to make yourself more effective in the workplace.
  • Distinguish between constructive and destructive criticism.

Day Three

  • Manage your priorities so that you are always doing the most important thing.
  • Analyse problems to find their causes and solutions.
  • Create and sustain a Positive mental attitude, especially during tough times.
  • The value of ‘critical feedback’
  • Use your words and body language to purposefully instil confidence.
  • Turning negative situations into positive