This workshop puts ‘diversity’ into its proper context within the workplace so that managers can proactively manage the diversity and inclusion of their people to promote strong, healthy and high performing teams.
The workshop will provide managers with new insights, ideas and techniques based on the latest best practice and research. Managers will learn how to integrate people diversity and inclusion confidently into their business.
Course Outline
Introduction to managing diversity in the context of organisational strategy
- Explore what is meant by ‘managing diversity’
- Debate arguments that underpin a powerful business case in the context of organisational strategy
- What goes into an Equality, Fairness and Diversity policy
- Impact assessment of diversity on plans and policy
Diversity and UK law
- What are Protected Characteristics
- Overview of discrimination
- Explore Positive Action approaches in relation to recruitment and selection
Inclusion, values and unconscious bias in the achievement of high individual and team performance
- What is unconscious bias, its impact and how to overcome it
- The importance of values in managing diversity
- Inclusion, fairness and employee engagement
- Development of effective inclusion techniques to promote high individual and team performance