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Gravitas Launches Tutor Led Mental Health Training Live

Gravitas are delighted to announce we will be launching the delivery of Tutor Led Live Training Online. We are currently going through unprecedented times with Covid-19 with most staff working from home or furloughed. The need to keep staff in a positive frame of mind is more important than ever and our training will create an impact so that we can all talk freely about mental health and seek support when we need.

We enable people to notice the signs of mental ill health and act as a point of contact for anyone within an organisation suffering with a Mental Health issue. Delegates are trained to identify the signs and symptoms of mental illness. They are also able to signpost individuals toward organisations where they can receive support and guidance and helping them to gain the confidence to do so.

  • Training will be led live by one of our expert trainers
  • Furloughed Staff can still carry out training
  • Courses Delivered bespoke to your requirements via Zoom
  • Handbooks will be posted out to delegates home addresses

We offer a range of training delivered through the Zoom Application and also tailor to your own requirements to meet your company requirements. We deliver the basic half day awareness, 1 Day Champion and the 2 day Supervising First Aid for Mental Health.

If you wish to enquire please email or call 07776118290.

How to Manage Covid-19 Stress and Anxiety

We are currently going through unprecedented times with Covid-19. The importance of keeping staff in a positive frame of mind and looking after ourselves is of high priority. While it is of paramount importance to follow the NHS and governments guidance to protect our physical health, we cannot neglect our own and each others mental health and wellbeing.

Everyone is adapting as best they can to a rapidly changing situation – ourselves at Gravitas included. So we, as employers, have a responsibility and a duty of care to our staff and ensure we keep an eye on how they are managing. We have put together belo​w common signs wher​e you can identify if the current situation is affecting any of your employees, whether they are working on site or from home.

Common Signs of Stress

  • Becoming quiet and withdrawn.
  • Standards of work suffering.
  • Taking more sick days.
  • Poor timekeeping.
  • Becoming short-tempered or irritable.
  • Physical complaints like headaches, nausea, tiredness or heart palpitations.

It would be quite easy to see signs of stress in an individual if they continue to work on site. But now it is likely that your staff are either working from home or furloughed. Therefore it is important to check up on them on a regular basis to ensure they are keeping in a positive mental and physical state. We are fortunate to be so advanced with technology. So whether you have to set up a video call, standard call, text or email – the differences it makes could be paramount, it would also do yourself some good.

As they say its always good to talk and share your worries. It can also contribute and help you work through them, and even overcome them. And there is more you can do. It is worth sharing the methods with your staff as well to ensure they are best prepared to cope with the mental demands.

Combat Anxiety

Firstly, its acceptable that you are worried and brushing this under the carpet. It is completely natural at a time like this. Some experts have even suggested setting aside time each day to allow yourself to worry – by letting your thoughts run wild for approximately half an hour preferably early in the morning. It helps to get the worry out of your system so you feel better for the rest of the day.

Some of the methods you could explore is meditation and practicing mindfulness, which is paying attention to the present moment and improving your mental wellbeing. Carrying out a simple 30 minute yoga excercise can help improve energy and boost morale. This results in an increased focus, natural relaxation of the mind and helping you sleep better.

One of the key elements to help is to limit the amount of news you take in. It is pointless watching the news and scrolling through constant news coverage which generally tends to be scaremongering – try to have a daily roundup if you must to stay informed about anything that affects you, your staff or your business. It is more important to control your own wellbeing and the people around you then anything further afield.

Gravitas Launches Tutor Led Health and Safety Training Online

We are delighted to announce we will be delivering Tutor Led Health and Safety Training Live

Gravitas are delighted to announce we will be launching the delivery of Tutor Led Health and Safety Training Live Online. We are currently going through unprecedented times with Covid-19 with most staff working from home or furloughed. The need to keep staff in a positive frame of mind is more important than ever and our training will create an impact so when employees return to work they are training to the highest standard.

We’ve successfully delivered our IOSH Courses through Tutor Led Live Sessions to some of our existing clients and they’ve been a brilliant success. We are now opening this up to companies who wish to train their staff in IOSH Managing Safely, IOSH Safety for Executives and Directors and IOSH Working Safely. We deliver NEBOSH Gold standard training so you receive the highest standard of training. Delegates can do this course from home and our team will administer joining instructions.

  • Training will be led live by one of our trainers
  • IOSH Managing Safely, Working Safely and Safety for Executives and Directors.
  • Furloughed Staff can still carry out training
  • Cost Effective as we don’t have travel and accommodation
  • We deliver all IOSH course books to delegates home addresses

If you have any questions or queries or would like to book please do not hesitate to contact Amar Saleem on 07776118290 or

Our 12 Top Tips on Things You Can Do During Lockdown

So, we are living in different times then we are used to however it does not have to be foreboding. As they say: “life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react” so this is the perfect opportunity to reset and recharge. You can take the positive out of every situation and try something new; try something different.

However you decide to spend your free time during this lockdown, always remember to be safe, and to be grateful for everything that you have during this period.


One of the key things is to keep yourself in good physical shape which naturally boosts your mood and mental health. We live in an era where technology is super advanced and at our finger tips,  we have numerous resources to assist our physical health. You can take long walks (in line with government guidelines); go bike riding; jogging; download workout apps, look up YouTube videos on how to exercise and if you have little ones, why not join in with them on PE lessons with Joe Wicks.

Learn to Cook Something New:

Now that we are limited to going out to dine, this is the perfect chance to improve your culinary skills and cook delights to suit your own taste buds. The beauty of learning to cook or learning something new is that it is a skill that will stay with you, and the satisfaction of eating something created by yourself is a wonderful feeling. With this in mind, create your own recipe book to pass on to future generations.


There is a no better way to get outdoors during the lockdown than in your own garden. It is the perfect time to appreciate the space around us not only is this great exercise and good for the heart, but also reduces stress. It is also a great opportunity to plant your own fruit and vegetables for your own consumption and good health.


A hobby for many people but one that is also fun and therapeutic and a great form of art. Most people are fortunate to have great cameras therefore little investment is required and there is many resources available teaching you how to become a budding photographer and with filters, you can create some perfect photos. Why not frame these memories and send them to family and friends as gifts?


There are numerous scientific facts to support the benefits of meditation. It can lead to many areas of improvement including reducing stress; controlling anxiety; better sleep, but overall, this is something everyone can do to improve their mental and emotional wellbeing and something you can do anywhere. There are many apps and videos that can aid with this.

Connect Virtually with Family/Friends:

We are lucky in the current situation to have Zoom, Skype, Microsoft Teams, Facetime – utilise this to speak to family/friends but also reconnect with people you have lost touch with. You can even use these apps to hold virtual parties, get togethers, quiz nights, date nights: have a laugh and have some fun in an innovative way you may not normally

Learn a New Language:

Once this is over and we can travel to our favourite destinations again – why not learn the languages of the countries we visit. French, Spanish and Italian are popular languages and there are several great apps to get you started with the very basics – imagine ordering your next meal in the native language of the place?

Tidy Up/De Clutter:

Refresh your surroundings – how about rearranging your furniture to make it seem like your home is a totally different place or to bring in more natural light and have fun doing it. Organise your kitchen cupboards and your wardrobes and give unworn or outgrown clothes to charity: Havent used it in more than 6 months? Do you need it or just want it? If it’s ‘want‘ then it maybe time to let go. Decluttering will enlighten you

Upcycle Furniture:

How many of us have tired looking furniture that we wish we could replace yet finances don’t allow it so why not spend this time to clean, repaint and reupholster furniture to make it look brand new. There are so many useful videos that guide you with great tips on how to change something to look like a brand-new item of furniture with very little costs!

Treat Yourself:

We live in a world of busy schedules; rushing around meetings; adhering to deadlines and the one thing that seems to take a back seat on our list of priorities is self-love. Take this time to treat yourself and look after yourself, it may be as simple as a hot bath with a a Lush bath bomb, candles, a book and a face mask that will help pamper you, refreshing you!

Watch Netflix:

A simple and easy way to spend your time is get yourself a good Netflix Series. Want to know why everyone is talking about Money Heist or Tiger King? Then now is your chance. There is something there for everyone which are perfect for binge-watching while you are at home, which you may not normally get a chance to watch.

Read a Book: 

It is a common trait of the most successful people and that is reading books. It has a relaxing exercise that stimulates the brain and sharpens the focus, also it releases tension and stress and a great way of switching off especially before bedtime – many virtual books are available and are also a great source of inspiration and motivation. Maybe this will lead to a virtual book club? Or some Personal Professional Development, a time to refocus and re-emerge. After all, knowledge is power right?

New Range of Online Tutor Led Courses Announced

We are delighted to announce that our management and soft skills training is now available live online.  We are currently going through unprecedented times with Covid-19 and we at Gravitas have developed a diverse range of half day training courses that is delivered by a tutor live online and can be tailored to your requirements. Furloughed staff can still carry out training in the comfort of their own homes, we would send an invite to each delegate participating. 

The importance of training staff in this current period is more important then ever. Our courses not only cover the specific areas but also boost morale, productivity and the motivation of people. Once we return to work and normality it is important people are prepared to ensure performance is at the highest standard to ensure companies can thrive. Below is a list of carefully chosen courses in Management, Sales, Customer Service, Mental Health and Personal Development that we are offering.

If you have any specific training requirements to meet your needs then we’d be happy to discuss tailoring a package to suit you. 


  • Fastrack to Managing People Successfully and Leading a Team
  • Introduction to Management and Supervisory Skills
  • Gravitas Premium: Fastrack Sales Programme
  • Gravitas Premium: Developing Your Sales Skills and Performance
  • Gravitas Premium: Setting the Benchmark for Customer Service
  • Consistently Delivering Exceptional Service
  • Effective Time and Organisational Management
  • Minutes and Note Taking Made Easy
  • Preventing Stress at Work
  • Mental Health Awareness
  • Covid-19 Awareness
  • Exceptional Telephone Techniques
  • Effective Presentation Skills
  • Managing Diversity and Inclusion
  • Building Confidence and Assertiveness

Please contact Amar Saleem on or 07776118290 for further information.

Effectively Retaining your Staff

As an organisation it’s not only imperative to employ the very best staff – it’s just as important to ensure you retain them! Your business is just as good as the people who work for it so continually developing staff is important but ensuring you’re looking after them and making them feel a part of the company to ensure they feel satisfied and happy is a priority. It’s not always easy as the fact they’re good, it also means they’re marketable.

A high staff turnover rate can cost almost twice an employer’s salary to find and train a replacement. Not only does it affect the company financially but it can also cause a talent and a knowledge drain in your company and it can decrease performance and morale among existing employees.

One way to retain good people is to offer a competitive package with benefits and incentives. A higher basic salary isn’t always the reason good people may choose to go elsewhere. Other added benefits and incentives can often be the deciding factor which sway people to make a move. So always monitor what your competitors are offering because you could lose someone for something that is relatively easy and cost effective to provide as part of an overall package.

Also, the environment in which they work can have a huge impact on people’s wellbeing and motivation. Given that you have to spend so much time at your place of work, whether or not you actually enjoy your environment can have a huge influence on whether you choose to stay or try moving somewhere else. At Peninsula we have great offices with plenty of light and space; our employees give off a good energy as they work and interact around the building, and we have lots of social and teambuilding events as well as pure work related activities.

Culture is also important. People are far less likely to leave if they feel they “belong” somewhere – that they’re part of a “tribe”, a community, something cohesive with a good vision and direction. Creating that comes down to a strong message, a clear strategy and positive communication and reinforcement within the organisation. It also involves employees buying into the vision – it’s all very well to say one thing when your employees can see you’re doing something completely different – so consistency is vital.

To keep good people, they need to feel they’re going somewhere and have room to grow and learn – stagnation is a killer for ambition. So they need a good potential career path, scope for development, to see others within the firm who have progressed through the ranks and training provided where needed to help them develop and enhance their skill set.

Also regular, honest reviews are vital so that all your employees understand where they are performing well and where they can improve. Rewards and praise for achievements, even in small ways that may be non-remunerative, are important in ensuring your good people know they are being recognised. The best way to make your employees go the extra mile is to appreciate them.